June 2019 Board Minutes
BBL Board Meeting Minutes
03 June 2019 / Toast (Start) Time: 7:48 p.m./ Location: The Westendorf Residence
The Secretary was on time for the first time in her almost three years of tenure.
In Attendance
Andy M. (P), Jerry H. (VP), Ray G. (T), Emma W. (S), Pete B. (MP), Roxanne W. (PP), Sarah G., Steve B., Mike W., Joe G., Mark B., and Special Guest: Brian B.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Monday, July 1st @ 7:00 p.m. at The Melcher House
Upcoming Club Meetings & Events
Friday, June 21st @ Norwood Community Center
Topic: Homebrew Canning 1.0 hosted by Greg S. & Ray G.
Friday, July 19th @ Norwood Community Center
Topic: Homebrew Bottle Swap and Calibration Night hosted by Nick P.
Upcoming Competitions
Saturday, June 8th, Brewers of Central Kentucky (BOCK) Bluegrass Cup @ Lexington, KY
Saturday, July 13th, Indiana Brewers Cup @ Indianapolis, Indiana
Saturday, August 17th, Beer & Sweat @ CVG Airport Marriott in Hebron, KY
“[Ray], I will break this over your head and then stab you with it.”
Board Pursuing Homebrew-Friendly Legislation
Roxanne, Ray and Goose from Akron have been spearheading an effort to work with the Ohio legislature to draft rules that enable the ability to host homebrew competition events in Ohio. The goal is to enable us to bring a national competition to Cincinnati in partnership with Fermentis. We are able, as the law currently stands, to host in Kentucky but would like to have it on this side of the river. Looking longer-term, a larger goal would be to bring HomebrewCon back to Ohio.
New Website Now Live!
The updated website is now live. Check it out and let us know what you think! The bloatarian.com domain has been transferred…which you will hopefully have noticed by now.
Treasurer’s Report
We’re not broke, but if you’re not current on dues, please pay up! If you’re not sure, reach out to us and we’ll let you know.
The board is moving closer to purchasing a bookkeeping software to manage club finances going forward.
BBL Membership Cards
If you paid online for membership and still need a card, please see Ray at the check-in desk at the next monthly meeting.
Updates on Recent Events
Beer & Deer
We sold two tap handles! There’s now a BBL tap handle at Brink Brewing Co. and it has Andy’s beer on it! A good time was has by all.
Bloat Open 2019
Shout out to Tim McKee for winning - yet another - Best of Show…and this year’s Best of Show Runner Up! Watch the website for full results coming soon.
Beer & Sweat 2019: Saturday, August 17th
The link for a discounted rate on rooms is now live. Click here and reserve your rooms today! No, but really! Click here and reserve your rooms today! Check out the Beer & Sweat Facebook page for current information.
Start brewing if you haven’t already!
And finally, if you know of any organizations interested in sponsorship, please connect them to a board member.
Other Business
BBL Mentorship Program
We have a new mentor-mentee pair getting together to brew this Friday, and three additional new sign-ups recently! Potential mentors talk to Wayne, potential mentees, ask at the Listermann’s counter about how to sign up, or use our online form (check the Mentorship page on the web site) if you already know the basics!
Homebrew Con Registration - Providence, RI
Registration is still open!
“Great, don’t give a shit quietly over there for a minute, [Joe].”
Update on Esoteric Brewing
Esoteric Brewing Company expects to announce an opening date in their Walnut Hills location within the next month. To contribute to Esoteric’s start-up funding, visit their website. If you are interested in investing at a higher level, please contact Brian. As plans come to fruition, a Bloats event will be planned and communicated to the club.
Bloatarian Tap Handles
Member price is $40 (at-cost), non-member price is $50. Check in with Andy at meetings if you are interested. They’re beautiful!
“Joe, I’m bringing the spray bottle I use on my cats to the next meeting.”
Bloatarian Shirt Order
You may have seen the new club shirts at Beer & Sweat. Due to an enthusiastic response from those who didn’t get in under the wire on the first order, we’ll be putting in a second order within the next month or so. An email will be sent to the club list when the Paypal site is live for orders. There are six shirts from the first round of orders that still need to be picked up – if you’re one of the slackers, contact Greg Schmidt at bravo_gs@yahoo.com to arrange to pick yours up!
Possible Topics for 2019 - 2020 Meetings
All Things Yeast
Yeast Experiment
Mashing Chemistry
Brew-in-a-Bag Techniques
Safety (5-10 minute topics before formal topic for all meeting)
Beer Swap Night
Blending Night (TRASH Guest)
Factors that Affect Efficiency
Chime in with additional suggestions!
“Andy, for the love of God, adjourn this meeting.”
Meeting Adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Emma Williams