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Homebrew Day Recap

It was great to be around friends again and Saturday was a bright, warm, sunny November day!

Just two brewers (Andy Melchers and Bill Hueslman) made 10 gallons, both were variations of winter beers, along with the 7bbl batch of hoppy Amber wort made at Wooden Cask.

BUT... we had 4 non-member Homebrewers who came out to visit, chat, learn, share some beer and hang out, along with about 15 members coming out throughout the day to have a beer and heckle the homebrewers.

All in all it was a success, and we send our thanks to Randy Schiltz for his contributions to the club and for hosting us. He brewed on the big system under the supervision of some Bloats. About 20 buckets of wort went home to be fermented.

We also had some wonderful beers at the taproom. Randy & crew have done a great job to make Wooden Cask as safe as possible during these difficult times! The special beers shared made for an excellent day indeed!

Stay tuned for the tapping of the brew that Randy did on the big system!

Cheers! and Je-eeep!

August 22


November 20

November Virtual Meeting