In attendance: Bryan E, Metts P, Jer H, Andy M, Rob and Roxanne W, Joe G, Wayne W

Meeting started at 7:15 PM at White Oak Marathon 

Treasurer’s Report: We have money, still. Not a lot of movement lately.

Membership Report: Membership sits around 40 members paid for the year.

Bloated & Quoted:



  • We had the largest number of entries in a few years with 37 (up from 29), with a minimum number of judges.

  • Things went well, just a minor hiccup or two. Strong crowd at the presentation of winners at Moerlein Lager House.

  • Rob wants us to consider dumping BrewComp, and using the BAP (Beer Awards Platform) system that AHA and Indiana State Fair is using. Sandy C has recommended it.

Future Club Meetings

March 24:

  • Missing Linck with Brett Baker Kohlmann @ Humble Monk. Yeast is in, and will be available to distribute at the meeting.

  • Extra categories being added beyond, fresh and aged, are: pure pitch, and co-pitch.

  • Beerionette? We’d need to staff the setup, but would be a great moneymaker for the club.

  • Homebrewing demo with Malteurop and Grainfather.

  • Judging is 6-2, festival is 6-3.

April 21:

  • Kombucha presentation featuring Algis Aukstuolis, Brewmaster at Skinny Piggy Kombucha

  • Judging for May Tap Takeover brewing

May 20:

  • Working on plans to replace Bloat Open with something fun.

  • Discussed during February social night, discussing further with Randy @ Wooden Cask. He wants to host and offer wort for take-home fermentation, idea would be to have a later competition for it.


  • Tech Talk with Joe B and Metts P: Traditions of German Lagers and Saüergüt


  • Rob W presents on brewing his version of Belgian-American IPA


  • Beer & Sweat


  • Ciders with Darrin Wilson, owner Northwood Ciders


  • New Brewer Q&A - Get all your questions answered in-person by tenured, award winning brewers.



Upcoming Social Nights and Meetings

  • Monday, March 13th - Fretboard Brewing Blue Ash

  • April - Northwood Cider.  Either April 11th or 12th

  • May - Grainworks Brewing

Listermann’s Tap Takeover Competition

  • Bryan E won the Feb comp and his Raspberry Porter will be brewed with Allen next week.

  • Gerad’s Oatmeal Stout was tapped on 2-24 and sold out within a day.

  • Matt B (CMI) brewed a NZ Pils, tapping sometime in April.

  • Banner still needs to be created to be hung in the homebrew store.

Beer & Sweat

  • We still want to have it, new locations still being considered but options are dwindling. Liberty Home wants us, but they have been newly successful in booking events. We need to decide by end of the month.

  • Will have a shuttle booked for hotel transportation this year.

Other Business

  • Mike @ Humble Monk wants to have a recurring “homebrewer series” and featuring local hombrewers recipes.

  • BJCP Class - There seems to be interest. Andy to look at dates for an exam and put together some ideas on how to structure the class.

  • Brew Buddy - Trying to resurrect this concept. Structure and methods to make this a viable resource. Get the word out via Dave H, at next brew classes.

  • Website - URL and Hosting renewed last month. Andy M covered the fees, was reimbursed via PayPal. Board Approved.

  • Slack for communication discussed. Andy and Metts will implement.

April Bored Meeting

  • Monday, April 3 at 7 PM. Location TBD.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm


