In attendance: Bryan Evenson, Andy Melchers, Keith Peace, Metts Potter, Rob Westendorf, Roxanne Westendorf, Ray Gerdes, Jerry Hartmann, Sarah Geil

Meeting started at 7:15 PM at Rays Pizza Patio

Beer & Sweat

Beer and Sweat status report (note any days of the week below will refer to the week of August 19th unless otherwise specified)

  • - Port-a-pottys are on order and will be delievered on Friday

    - Refrigerated truck - Quoted cost was more than anticipated. Ray and Jerry are checking on different options. Jerry may have a cheaper lead and will confirm this on Monday, the 15th.

    - T-shirts have been ordered. A limited number of extra t-shirts were ordered for sale the day of.

    - Ice, order has been made and will be picked up Saturday morning

    - Tap handles - Jerry has them

    - Medals and other awards - Keith and Wayne to confirm order (along with tap handle plates) once flighting is complete

    - Food - Roxanne has 70 meals ordered

    - Camping - no registration necessary unless you want an electric hookup

    - Hand wash station (Gott cooler, bottling buckets) - Keith, Andy and Bryan plan to bring one

    - Sample glasses for judging - Andy has them

    - Printed score sheets and guidelines - Keith and Wayne will plan to have a few as a backup

    - Remaining donation pickup - Roxanne needs to meet with Brett @ Urban Artifact

    - Wayne and Keith to get updated membership list before event so we know if any non-volunteer attendees need to pay dues

Treasurer’s Report: We have (some) money.

Membership Report: We have (some) members.

Future Club Meetings

  • August Social Night - 16 Lots Southern Outpost on August 28th

  • September Social Night - Sonder Brewing on September 25th.  We have a choice of indoor or outdoor space.  Asked opinion of those who have been there previously.  Will request a covered outdoor space.

  • September Club Meeting - Darrin Wilson of Northwood Cider on track to present on making ciders on September 15th.  Will check in with Darrin after Labor Day to see if he has any questions or needs anything more from us.

Other Business

  • Brew your Winter Warmers to support the Cass River Homebrewing Competition - Dec 2!

Sept Bored Meeting

  • Monday, Sept 11 at 7 PM. Location TBD.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm


