BBL Novembrrr 4 Board Meeting

Bryan E, Ray G, Jer H, Steve B, Andy M, Roxanne W, Rob W

Meeting Started 7:15

Upcoming Meetings

November Meeting Topic: Bryan had reached out to Steve W about the frozen yeast process. It will be a short topic, upon which elections will follow. 

Election Docket

Pres: Bryan Evenson (i)

VP: Jer Hartman (i)

Treasurer: Ray Gerdes (i)

Ministers of Propaganda: Amy & Mike Maryo (n)

Secretary/Webmaster: Andy Melchers (i)

( i ) incumbent ( n ) new

Andy to look into PayPal account about adding a note to help sorting of memberships / make it easier to determine who's a paid member among all the other transactions. 

Nov 19 is Social Night at Bad Tom Smith

December Beermas Options

  • Third Eye

  • Esoteric

  • Urban Artifact

Beer & Sweat 2025

Bryan has been working with the hotel to work out the options. We have a number of room configuration options and they are offering us right of first refusal. 


Fest is March 1 weekend

Judging for homebrew will occur the week before at Libery Home, or possibly a location TBD. Greg Hardman wants us to be downtown, or it could be a part of the Brewery District in OTR. 

Rob is planning to register the comp with BJCP this week. 

Missing Linck

Returns again in 2025. Brewers will have to signup for yeast, we'll charge $5 per entry as a small club fundraiser. There are virtually no other costs as Urban covers the majority. 


Ray says we have some money, less than before August (because of B&S)

Other Business

Esoteric offered to sponsor a homebrew competition. We'll need to work out the details with Brian and gang. Initial thoughts are May, as a replacement / return of Bloat Open. Rob suggested the "Esoteric Invitational" 

We need to make a push for membership renewals... AND for members to renew / join AHA. When we have club membership who are also AHA members over 75% we get a BIG rebate on insurance. Household memberships remain at $30/year. 

Andy to assist with getting Amy and Mike setup with MC. 

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05


January 2025 BOARD MINUTES
