January 2025 BOARD MINUTES

BBL January 2025 Board Meeting

Jan 4

Bryan E, Ray G, Jer H, Keith P, Andy M

Meeting Started 1:15pm

Upcoming Meetings

Jan Holiday Social

Bottling beer for competitions - Metts

Alternative Fermentations - Tom Hull

Water Chemistry- Caleb?

What else? 

Bylaw Changes 

Bryan presented 5 changes. Each was discussed, we realized there were some different documents floating around. A common copy was distributed to all board and at large members. 

Election Results

Pres: Bryan Evenson
VP: Jer Hartman
Treasurer: Ray Gerdes
Ministers of Propaganda: Amy & Mike Maryo
Secretary/Webmaster: Andy Melchers

Andy has looked into PayPal account about adding a note to help sorting of memberships / make it easier to determine who's a paid member among all the other transactions. Did not find a method within PP; but found an online app that manages membership data, with expiration dates, easy lookup and renewal features; and provides a viewable member card with a QR code that can be scanned at meetings or events. 

Stripe is the payment processor for Membership app, which also works with BAP. Board discussed switching or possibly using both; fees are similar.

Bryan suggested moving forward, Andy will implement. 

Beer & Sweat 2025

Bryan has signed and returned the contract with the hotel, with a small amendment to the deposit amount. Ray to provide a check. 

Bryan plans to check with Caleb at Cincy State about a sponsorship.  

Ray is in talks with contacts at Sam Adams for a sponsorship too. 

Lemon Grenade should be in for a logo again. 

Wanting to do something slightly for Medals/awards, more generic but with the logo, and a sticker on the back with winner info. 


Fest is March 8 weekend.

Judging for homebrew will occur the week before at Libery Home om March 1.

Judging for pro's is at MLH on March 8.

Rob has registered the comp with BJCP, and the website is setup and ready. 

We need a dropoff location for entries.

Missing Linck

Returns again in 2025. Brewers will have to signup for yeast, we'll charge $5 per entry as a small club fundraiser. There are virtually no other costs as Urban covers the majority. 


Ray says we have some money, less than before August (because of B&S)

Bloat Open

Esoteric offered to sponsor a homebrew competition. Bryan and Keith have worked out the details with Brian and gang at Esoteric. It will serve as a replacement / return of Bloat Open on May 17. There will be a small entry fee ($5?) as its a club only comp. Discussed capping number of entries per person at 5; limited styles available for BOS as judged by the brewers at Eso, for a 5bbl batch. 

Big Brew

Need to work with Randy to secure a date, likely wont be in May, maybe summer for Big Brew. 


We need to make a push for membership renewals... AND for members to renew / join AHA. When we have club membership who are also AHA members over 75% we get a BIG rebate on insurance. Household memberships remain at $30/year. 

Meeting Adjourned at 2:10


Febrewary 2025 BOARD MINUTES
