Mar 3
Attendance: Bryan E, Ray G, Jer H, Andy M, Rob W, Roxanne W
Meeting Started 7:05pm
Upcoming Meetings
March - Kveik Yeast - Caleb Ochs-Naderer
April -
May - Bloat Open
Alternative Fermentations - Tom Hull - ask about June?
Google membership form is working well.
Andy has all members entered in the Membership Booth app, and "digital member cards" have been submitted to all 29 current members.
Beer & Sweat 2025
Bryan plans to check with Caleb at Cincy State about a sponsorship.
Ray is in talks with contacts at Sam Adams for a sponsorship too.
Lemon Grenade is in for a logo again.
Wanting to do something slightly different for Medals/awards, more generic but with the logo, and a sticker on the back with winner info.
Need to begin donation requests - online is preferred
Hotel is ready for reservations and will have the same entry code - BSK
Homebrew judging occured at Libery Home on March 1.
31 paid, 27 entries judged this year
Awards will be presented on MLH at 4pm
Scores will be released shortly
Fest Weekend
Judging for pro's is at MLH on March 8.
Tapping of Tim McKee's winning beer will be at Noon on Friday.
BBL will have a booth and needs staffing Noon-5 on both Friday and Saturday. Will need brochures and maybe stickers.
Rob reminded to check Library for Maker Space to make stickers, brochures, banners.
Missing Linck
Returns again in 2025. Brewers will have to signup for yeast, we'll charge $5.13 per entry as a small club fundraiser. There are virtually no other costs as Urban covers the majority.
Need to figure out a method for entries and payments - suggested using a Google Form for entry info, and shared documents for feedback.
Maybe payment via Paypal donation or Venmo to avoid fees?
Brett will distribute the yeast, and should be available at March meeting.
Bockfest entries brought in $310
$750 donation from Brewery District
Expenses for Medals were $200, Certificates are approx $100, another $100 on cups, etc
Split the Pot at Feb meeting netted $60
Bloat Open
Esoteric offered to sponsor a homebrew competition. Bryan and Keith have worked out the details with Brian and gang at Esoteric. It will serve as a replacement / return of Bloat Open on May 17. There will be a small entry fee ($5?) as its a club only comp. Discussed capping number of entries per person at 5; limited styles available for BOS as judged by the brewers at Eso, for a 5bbl batch.
Big Brew
Need to work with Randy to secure a date, likely wont be in May, maybe summer for Big Brew.
Social Night Ideas
West Side Yarn Night on March 12
Hearth Brewing (TBD)
Fibonnaci (TBD)
BC's Mason (TBD)
Municipal (TBD)
URL renewed along with Website hosting. Andy has re-imbursed himself from the club PayPal to cover the costs.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 and the drinking began in earnest.