April 2020 Board Minutes
BBL Board Meeting Minutes
06 April 2020 / Toast (Start) Time: 8:10 p.m./ Location: Online
In Attendance
Andy M. (P), Jerry H. (VP), Ray G. (T), Emma W. (S), Roxanne W. (PP), Wayne W. (CC), Joe G., Sarah G.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Monday, May 4th (Probably Online)
Upcoming Club Meetings & Events
We’ll be back our regularly scheduled programming (in-person) whenever that’s feasible.
April Meeting: Date TBD, possible online meeting
May: TBD
June: TBD
July: You get the idea
Upcoming Competitions
Cancellation: Bloat Open (May)
We are unable to reschedule the competition for a later date due to conflicts with other planned events (AHA, Beer & Sweat), but we may have a meeting instead should conditions improve to that point by mid-May. We can’t wait to get back together with everyone!
Treasurer’s Report
We still have some money.
BBL Membership Cards
If you have not yet signed up for your 2020 membership, please consider doing so today!
“I filter all my water through breweries.”
Listermann Brewing Supply Online Ordering
The brewing supply store is accepting email orders (store@listermannbrewing.com) for curbside pickup only. CO2 fills are not available at this time. Hours and details are available in the image below.
Other Business
BBL Mentorship Program
On hold for the time being.
Possible Topics for 2019 - 2020 Meetings
All Things Yeast
Yeast Experiment
Mashing Chemistry
Brew-in-a-Bag Techniques
Blending Night (TRASH Guest)
Factors that Affect Efficiency
Safety (5-10 minute topics before formal topic for all meeting)
Chime in with additional suggestions!
Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Emma Williams