August 2022 Board Minutes

Andy M, Jer H, Ray G, Roxanne W, Steve B, KeithP, Phil M, Corey

Andy M, Jer H, Ray G, Roxanne W, Sarah G, Joe G, Keith P, Steve B, Metts P

Opened with a toast to the life of Mike Feiertag. 

Andy has visitation and mass info, will share in an email on Tuesday. 

We need to find a suitable meeting location for standard monthly meetings. 


– confirmed last meetings items (hall & food costs, porta potty’s, ice, etc)

– Raffle is coming along - Sarah to catalog and sort what’s in hand. 

• Andy to ping Listermann & West Side

• Contact to Trophy Awards 

• Need keg stands storage

• Matzo crackers work well for judging

• Print some sponsor stickers to cover up and use on current banner

• Jennifer wants to be dinner beer sponsor

• Can begin setup on Friday around noon

• Initiate volunteer form

– SHUTTLE - this has not been approached well. Need a solution

LH O’fest is Labor Day Weekend - BBL will work the beer booth on Sat Sept 3. Push signup form


October 2022 Board Minutes


July 2022 Board Minutes