July 2022 Board Minutes

Andy M, Jer H, Ray G, Roxanne W, Steve B, KeithP, Phil M, Corey

Treasurer: We have some money, it’s less than we used to

Pres: Elections coming, candidates needed including a Program Director. Sent out a form, have only had 3 submissions.

Next Meetings: 

July is a social @ OTR Stillhouse with Chris Mitchell on the 15th

August is B&S (board meeting at Rays on 8-1)

September need a location and topic; Dan wants to host campout again

October will be a Saturday @ Carillon Brewing - targeting the 15th for on site brewing and bread making demonstrations. Roxanne to call and make arrangements. 


Liberty Home costs will be ~ $1500 for rental and ~ $1000 for volunteers dinner

They might offer on-site pay-as-you-go breakfast for Sunday

Dinner is a German plate (brats, kraut, slaw, potato salad) and will be offered 6p until 7:45p for other attendees. 

LH is securing the ice and water bottles

Jer to book the 3 portolets ~ $400 total

We have committed to working a beer booth at LH Oktoberfest on Sat Sept 3. Need about 12 ppl throughout the day.

Raffle has a few things coming in. Need to reach out to personal and online contacts! List is online here Sarah

Wristbands and admission. There will be a fence surrounding the facilities. Everyone in attendance needs a wristband! Sarah

Volunteer Signup form needs activated. Sarah did you manage this??

Tap stands - stored at James M’s in Amelia. Keith will not be able to pick up this year - who has a truck and the time to do this?! 

Additionally, James M is no longer willing to keep them in storage. Need a new location.

Make a call for Igloo coolers with spigots for hand washing stations

Discussed adding a Hard Seltzer category. We’ll do it. Will we judge it though, make it a no charge entry? 

Friday setup around 2pm, Dinner and socializing at Municipal. Need to contact and discuss with someone there about this.  Firepit and bottle share after at LH?? 

For judging, LH has 12 rounds and some 6ft standard tables, and 130 chairs. Organizer setup is on the stage. Need to bring a printer. 


August 2022 Board Minutes


November 2021 Board Minutes