August 2019 Board Minutes

BBL Board Meeting Minutes

05 August 2019 / Toast (Start) Time: 7:30 p.m./ Location: The Gerdes Residence

In Attendance

Andy M. (P), Ray G. (T), Emma W. (S), Sarah G., Pete B. (MOP), Jerry (VP), Steve B., Roxanne W. (PP), Rob W.

Upcoming Board Meetings

**Monday, September 9th** @ 7:00 p.m. at Esoteric Brewing

  • **Due to Labor Day holiday, September’s board meeting is on the second Monday instead of the first.

  • As we will be visiting Esoteric Brewing before it is open, this Board Meeting will be a members-only event and may be limited in the number of attendees. Watch your email for a sign-up opportunity!

Upcoming Club Meetings & Events

  • Saturday, August 17th: Beer & Sweat!

    • Friday, August 16th: Beer & Sweat Bottle Share @ 8 PM-ish

  • Friday, September 27th - 29th: Beer & Propane @ Camp Listermann

Upcoming Competitions

  • Saturday, August 17th, Beer & Sweat @ CVG Airport Marriott in Hebron, KY

Board Pursuing Homebrew-Friendly Legislation

Roxanne, Ray and Goose from Akron have been spearheading an effort to work with the Ohio legislature to draft rules that enable the ability to host homebrew competition events in Ohio. The goal is to enable us to bring a national competition to Cincinnati in partnership with Fermentis. We are able, as the law currently stands, to host in Kentucky but would like to have it on this side of the river. Looking longer-term, a larger goal would be to bring HomebrewCon back to Ohio.

Treasurer’s Report

Club and Directors & Officers insurance has been paid. We have money.

BBL Membership Cards

If you paid online for membership and still need a card, please see Ray at the check-in desk at the next monthly meeting.

Beer & Sweat 2019: Saturday, August 17th


Registration packets can be picked up Friday evening during keg drop-off or Saturday morning during registration. Please bring a valid ID with you when you pick up your packet; our event insurance requires that we card all attendees, including entrants, judges and stewards. Thank you in advance for your good-natured understanding.

Entrance for the Public

If you are not a BBL member (or you are a BBL member that didn’t pay this year’s dues by August 1st), entrance at the door is $30/person.

Technical Talk

Dave Curtis from Bell’s Brewing will be giving this year’s technical talk (slated to begin at approximately 3:30PM again). Topic coming soon!

Booking a Room

You can still book a room at the BBL rate until the block is full, but you must call the hotel and speak to Natalie (859-344-4613).

Also, if you have already booked a room but did not receive the BBL rate of $119/night, please let the board know at and we will reach out to the hotel to assist with getting the rate corrected.

Judges, Stewards & Competition Volunteers

Judges, stewards and competition volunteers (registration free entry to the evening portion of the event and dinner. If you have special dietary needs, you must contact the board ahead of time ( and let us know. Please direct any questions about dinner to the BBL board rather than hotel staff.

Volunteering (Non-Competition)

If you are interested in serving as a volunteer at the event in the areas of registration, raffle or merchandise, please sign up using this link. Non-competition volunteers receive free entry to the evening portion of the event and dinner. If you have special dietary needs, you must contact the board ahead of time ( and let us know. Please direct any questions to the BBL board rather than hotel staff.

Other Business

BBL Mentorship Program

Potential mentors talk to Wayne, potential mentees, ask at the Listermann’s counter about how to sign up, or use our online form (check the Mentorship page on the web site) if you already know the basics!

Update on Esoteric Brewing

Esoteric Brewing Company expects to host its grand opening in its Walnut Hills location in the spring of 2020. Next month’s board meeting will be at Esoteric Brewing - watch your email for information on how to get in on this sneak peak!

Bloatarian Tap Handles

Member price is $40 (at-cost), non-member price is $50. Check in with Andy at meetings if you are interested. They’re beautiful!

Possible Topics for 2019 - 2020 Meetings

  • All Things Yeast

  • Yeast Experiment

  • Mashing Chemistry

  • Decoctions

  • Brew-in-a-Bag Techniques

  • Blending Night (TRASH Guest)

  • Factors that Affect Efficiency

  • Safety (5-10 minute topics before formal topic for all meeting)

  • Chime in with additional suggestions!

Meeting Adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Emma Williams



September 2019 Board Minutes


July 2019 Board Minutes