September 2019 Board Minutes
BBL Board Meeting Minutes
09 September 2019 / Toast (Start) Time: 6:00 p.m./ Location: Esoteric Brewing Co.
In Attendance
Andy M. (P), Ray G. (T), Emma W. (S), Pete B. (MOP), Roxanne W. (PP), Wayne W. (CC), Rob W., Mike W., Dave H., Nick P., Jack C., Greg S., Special Guest [Host] Brian J.
Upcoming Board Meetings
Monday, October 7th: Meeting at Madtree
Upcoming Club Meetings & Events
Friday, September 20th: Social - Bring your German beers in honor of Oktoberfest!
Friday, September 27th - 29th: Beer & Propane @ Camp Listermann on the Miami-Whitewater
Friday night is the barley wine tasting, pizza oven (possibly open Saturday as well) - bring toppings to share, dough provided
Saturday is a brew day in the morning and afternoon, the theme this year is barleywines; dinner is a potluck, bring things to share; secret ceremony after dark
Bring breakfast/lunch stuff for Saturday/Sunday mornings
Upcoming Competitions
Saturday, September 21st: Dayton D.R.A.F.T. Brewfest
There’s a good raffle in addition to the event.
Saturday, October 12th: CMI Oktobersbest
Treasurer’s Report
We have money.
BBL Membership Cards
If you paid online for membership and still need a card, please see Ray at the check-in desk at the next monthly meeting.
Tour of Esoteric Brewing Co.
Thanks so much to Brian Jackson for hosting this month’s Bored Meeting and providing us a tour of the progress and plans at Esoteric! Construction is imminent, equipment is on order, and fundraising has concluded.
The board and other club members receive a brief history of the space from Brian at the beginning of the tour.
Most of this floor will be removed to make way for the 10-barrel system (Year 1 capacity of 2000 barrels) which will appear to grow out of the basement. The area will be enclosed by viewing windows so patrons in the taproom can peer down into the production area.
A 32’ bar is planned for the center of the space, running along the vertical beams and wrapping around at the end. In keeping with the history of the building, the decor will convey an Art Deco vibe.
For whatever reason, whenever I try to load photos of the basement it crashes the website, but rest assured that the lower level provides plenty of space for storage, cellaring, barrel-aging, and packaging!
Madtree is Hiring!
Madtree is currently hiring for the production side! If you are interested or know someone who is, send the resume to Brian Jackson (
Bus Trip to Dayton
The board is looking into booking a tour of Dayton breweries with Cincy BrewBus on Saturday, November 16th (possibly in place of the monthly meeting). If you have suggestions for breweries to visit, send an email to Andy or Roxanne. We will be pricing per-person rates depending upon interest.
Potential Club Buy for Specialized Yeast
Escarpment, one of our sponsors for Beer & Sweat this year, sell specialized yeasts (specifically sour and kveif strains) that we can’t get in the U.S. We are considering a club buy for anyone interested. Contact Roxanne if you are interested.
Beer & Sweat 2019 Recap
All had fun, no injuries or arrests - great success. Check out Facebook for all of the photos. BBL won King Swanky (most club points) and Best of Show went to Bill Crothers with a blonde ale. Brink Brewing Co. will be brewing the winning recipe! Keith Kost won the Bosmo (person with the most points).
Beermas 2019
Believe it or not, Beermas is on the horizon! A schedule will be assembled in the coming weeks and on the calendar in the next month or two.
Other Business
BBL Mentorship Program
Potential mentors talk to Wayne, potential mentees, ask at the Listermann’s counter about how to sign up, or use our online form (check the Mentorship page on the web site) if you already know the basics!
Bloatarian Tap Handles
Member price is $40 (at-cost), non-member price is $50. Check in with Andy at meetings if you are interested. They’re beautiful!
Possible Topics for 2019 - 2020 Meetings
All Things Yeast
Yeast Experiment
Mashing Chemistry
Brew-in-a-Bag Techniques
Blending Night (TRASH Guest)
Factors that Affect Efficiency
Safety (5-10 minute topics before formal topic for all meeting)
Chime in with additional suggestions!
Meeting Adjourned at 7:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Emma Williams