The Bloatarian Open is a competition for Bloatarian Brewing League members only. You must be a paid member to enter.
This competition is a great way for members to get feedback on their beers. In addition, it is a terrific opportunity to learn about how to evaluate beers by volunteering to judge. No certification is required - we will pair inexperienced judges with BJCP judges so that you can learn.
In order to encourage new members to enter beers and receive feedback that will hopefully increase the quality of your future beers, the entry fee is waived for new members (joined after January 1, 2018). Do not register your entries until you receive the discount code from the Competition Coordinator (see link on competition Contact page).
Entry Fees for unlimited entries (must be paid by registration close):
Current members - $10
New members - Free
Since this is a competition for club members only, all score sheets and any awards received will only be available at club functions – the awards ceremony at the end of the competition and future club meetings. We will not mail score sheets or awards.
Account (entrant) registrations accepted 04/15/2019 9:00 a.m., EDT through 05/10/2019 11:55 p.m., EDT.
Registrations for judges or stewards accepted 04/15/2019 9:00 AM, EDT through 05/15/2019 9:00 PM, EDT.
For complete details, visit the Bloat Open registration page.