Phil Meyer's Beer & Sweat 2022 Best of Show Trappist Single

Batch Size: 11.0 gallons

OG: 1.051

FG: 1.005

IBU: 34 (calculated from Beer Smith)

ABV: 6.06% (calculated)

SRM: 3.2 (from Beer Smith)

Mash Efficiency: 85% (from Beer Smith)


18 lb Belgian Pils Malt (Dingemann’s) 100%

1.25 oz Wakatu @ 6.6% @ First Wort

1.0 oz Saaz @ 3.5 % @ First Wort

1.0 oz Mt. Hood @ 4.7 % @ First Wort

3.0 oz. Saaz @ 3.5 % @ SW after kettle temp drops to < 175 F

1.0 oz Saaz @ 3.5 % @ SW after kettle temp drops to < 145 F

1.0 oz Saaz @ 3.5 % @ Dry hop for 3 days

2 packs of Imperial Yeast B48 (Triple Double).

Note: Total SW time was about 45 minutes. I whirlpool and chill by recirculating through a counterflow

chiller. I add the SW hop additions when the kettle temperature gets to the target temperature.

Water Treatment: Metabisulfate to neutralize chlorine. (1 campdem tablet for 20 gallons)

Lactic acid to adjust ph for mash and sparge (2.6 tsp in 20 gallons)

Mineral additions: ¼ tsp gypsum and ¾ tsp Calcium Chloride in the boil kettle.

Mash: Water/Grain ratio: 1.25 Qt/Lb

Rest @ 146 for 60 minutes

Raise to 156 for 30 minutes

Kettle Volume: 14.0 gallons

Boil Length: 90 minutes

Fermentation: Chill to 64 degrees and pitch yeast.

Let temperature rise to 70 degrees and ferment at 70 degrees for 10 days

Rack to secondary and add Dry hops for 3 days

Crash to 35 degrees for 4 days

Fine with 4 tsp of gelatin after temperature drops below 50 degrees

Package and condition for 1 week at 35- 40 to allow bitterness to mellow

Note: The batch size is the amount of wort in the kettle after chilling. The actual amount of wort

collected to the fermenter was 10.5 gallons due to trub and spent hops.


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